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Music Search Music:

Classical Ghastlies
Halloween Picks from Brandi Parisi

Malipiero: "Symphony of Silence and Death"
Marco Polo 223603

Boccherini: Symphony No. 6, "The House of the Devil"
Hyperion 6623

Revueltas: "Night of the Mayas"
Catalyst 62672

Tartini: Sonata in G ("The Devil's Trill)
DG 437-544

Bottesini: "House of the Devil"
ASV 907

Liszt's: "Totentanz" (dance of death)
Naxos 553852

Paganini: "The Witches"
CDR 041

Stravinsky: "The Devil's Dance"
CDR 041

Dvorak: "The Noonday Witch," or "The Water Goblin"
Chandos 8798/9

Dvorak: Goblin's Dance
Unicorn 9137

Beethoven: "Ghost" piano trio
Naxos 550442

Morton Gould: "Ghost Waltzes"
Philips 438906

Cassado Dance of the Green Devil
Marco Polo 223403

Rachmaninoff: Isle of the Dead

Verdi: The witches chorus from "Macbeth"

Hoddinott: Lanternes de morts
Chandos 8762

George Crumb: A Haunted Landscape
New World 326-2

Anton Rubenstein: The Demon Ballet
Reference 71

Humperdink: Witch's Ride from H&G

Beach: Four Sketches:

Prokofiev: Suggestion diabolique

Charles Williams: The Devil's Galop

Puccini: Le Villi: Witch's Sabbath Intermezzo

Siegfried Wagner: Devil's Waltz

Purcell: Queen Mary's Funeral Music

Castelnuovo-Tedesco: Capriccio diabolico

Faure: Chant funeraire

Berlioz: "March to the Scaffold," or "Dream of a Witches' Sabbath" from "Symphony Fantastique"
RCA 68930

Saint-Saens' "Danse Macabre"
Angel 55385

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