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Music Search Music:

Hun Qiao: Bridge of Souls

A concert of remembrance and reconciliation
September 2001

From the decimation of Nanjing, China, through the destruction of Nagasaki, Japan, to the rending of Korea at the 38th parallel, the people of Asia have experienced the horrors of war throughout much of the 20th century.

Mindy Ratner with composers

© Chamber Music Society of Minnesota, 2001
MPR classical music host Mindy Ratner speaks with the four composers (from left) Hi Kyung Kim, Andrew Imbrie, Chen Yi, and Michio Mamiya, at an event before the concert.

Meet the participants
MPR's Dan Olson interviewed the four composers and three of the performers. Each individual had something unique to contribute to the concert, but they all felt equally strong about their need to participate. More

More coverage
• Dan Olson covered the concert in May 2001 for MPR News.
• Learn more about the the concert's cultural significance at the Web site of the Chamber Music Society of Minnesota.


To help humanity come to terms with it all, Young Nam Kim, artistic director of the Chamber Music Society of Minnesota, commissioned four composers—three of Asian ancestry—to each create a work of remembrance and reconciliation. Their works were presented in Hun Qiao: Bridge of Souls, a concert that pays homage to the victims and survivors of war atrocities and to their descendants. Famed cellist Yo-Yo Ma was also asked to participate in the concert with the musicians of the Chamber Music Society of Minnesota on May 30, 2001.

Listen to a clip from each of the four works presented. (RealAudio | How to listen)

  1. "At the Edge of the Ocean," a piece for violin, viola, cello, flute, clarinet, and percussion by Korean-American Hi Kyung Kim. Listen
  2. "Germ," a work for voice, two violins, viola, two cellos, and percussion by Japan's Michio Mamiya. Listen
  3. "Ning," a piece written for violin, cello, and pipa by Chinese-American Chen Yi. Listen
  4. "From Time to Time," a work for two violins, viola, two cellos, flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, and percussion written by American-born Andrew Imbrie. Listen

In their conversations with Dan Olson, some of the Hún Qiáo participants said their work was inspired by traditional folk songs. Listen to those songs here. (RealAudio | How to listen)

  • "Jasmine," a Chinese folk song, played by Wu Man on the pipa. Listen
  • "Mia Mia," a Japanese folk song, arranged by Michio Mamiya, played by the CMSM with Mutsumi Hatano, mezzo-soprano. Listen
  • "Arirang," a Korean folk song, played by Burt Hara on the clarinet. Listen
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