"Some Enchanted Evening"
Submission Guidelines
Thanks to listeners for your stories!
We are no longer accepting submissions.
How to Submit your Story:
No purchase or pledge necessary. Making a purchase or pledge will not increase your chances of your story appearing on air. Use the Web form (no longer available) to enter, or enter by mail by submitting your entry with your name, address, e-mail address (if applicable), and phone number to: The Morning Show's "Some Enchanted Evening" Special, Minnesota Public Radio, 45 East 7th St., St. Paul, MN 55101. All stories must be received by noon CT, February 10, 2003. Stories must be original. One entry per person. Multiple entries, if discovered, will be disqualified. At MPR's discretion, submissions may be posted on the MPR Web site and may appear on the radio.
"Some Enchanted Evening" stories on the Web:
Minnesota Public Radio will post selected submissions on the Web site as they are received. Only electronic submissions (Web and e-mail) will be considered for Web posting. Selection for Web posting is not an indication that the submission will be featured on air. MPR reserves the right not to post a submission.
Featured stories:
Selected stories may be told in a special way during The Morning Show on February 14, 2003. Authors of selected stories that appear on air will receive a complimentary CD copy of the Feb. 14 show.
Selection and notification of selection:
Tune in Friday February 14, 2003, to hear if your story was selected. CD copies of the show will be mailed to the authors of the selected stories using the U.S. Postal Service. The rules detailing entry eligibility and method of selecting stories are on file at Minnesota Public Radio. The chances of your story appearing on air are dependent upon the number of entries. For stories written by individuals 18 and younger a parent or guardian must provide identification and sign a release and a receipt for the CD copy.
Participants agree to the Official Rules, and that MPR, American Public Media Group, and related organizations, and their agents and employees will have no liability whatsoever for any injuries, losses, or damages of any kind resulting from their use of the story or their participation. Participants also agree to grant Minnesota Public Radio and Minnesota Monthly magazine the right to use their Some Enchanted Evening submission, name, image, or other likeness without further compensation for advertising, fundraising or promotional purposes. All entries become the property of Minnesota Public Radio and may be read on the air or published in print or electronic form. Submitters agree that their names may be used in association with their submissions. Submitters warrant that their submissions are their own original work.
By submitting your story, the individual agrees to be bound by these Official Rules.
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