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Dc: This is DCR, a news program not to be believed. (sfx: crack of bat, crowd roar) Brick: A summer's day, a crowd, a ballpark, a clutch situation in the
9th inning and a winning home run for the local favorites
Tri-State Certified Money Managers. A beautiful scene. Fester: The home run went into a section of twenty one dollar seats out in left field. One fan took it home. The ball cost sixty dollars, so that's a money losing deal for this team. Brick: Fester leads a group of investors who purchased the team and
named it "the Certified Money Managers" to get across to the
general public the idea that managing money, like any sport, is a skill
that can be thrilling if done well. Brick: I thought the idea was to win games. Fester: No, the idea is to make money. Winning a bunch of games is one way to make money, but you can't always count on that. So the other, more sure route, is to tailor the professional baseball "experience" to the aspirations of our fans and to have lots of corporate suites. Brick: Corporate suites. The luxurious "sky boxes" that circle the perimeter of the stadium make enormous amounts of money for sports teams. Heather Buttress is the architect designing the Money Managers' new home, Trustedadvisorstockfund - dot - com Field. (sfx: unrolling blueprint) Buttress: We've got a ring of suites here. And some up high here. And down low at field level here. Brick: It's almost like an office building. Buttress: Yes, we'd love to have full time tenants make their corporate headquarters at the ball park. The purchaser of our naming rights,, is considering just that, if the IPO goes as expected. Brick: So then it would be ALL suites. Buttress: Oh no. Here are some seats for the general public. There's a row right there. Brick: That says "lavatory." Buttress: Wha? Let's see OH. OK, but there are seats for the general public. Maybe I just didn't get them drawn in yet. Brick: Obviously, seats for the general public are a low priority. Buttress: No no. The public is important. 'Cause they'll generate revenue for the mall. (sfx: shopping scene) Brick: That's right, the mall. Any building built in America today
that is not a private home, a school or a jail includes plans for an
adjacent mall. Dexter: The mall is vital to the overall success Foot traffic to and from and during the game will take shoppers past the storefronts and build a really healthy revenue per square foot. Brick: This is more than the usual ballgame souvenirs and trinkets. Dexter: Oh, yes. All your major national department store and fast food chains should be here. Brick: Just like the airport, which is becoming a mall too! Dexter: Right. In fact, the new ballpark does incorporate an airport. Brick: An airport! Dexter: Why not? The airport has gates. The stadium has gates. That way it's easy for the teams to come and go, and people can stop in and catch a few innings while waiting for their next plane. (sfx: jet flyover) Buttress: And the airport makes it convenient for the guests at the hotel. Brick: There's a hotel in the stadium? Fester: And a theme park. Brick: So you work there, you shop there, you travel from there, you're entertained there you might as well live there. Buttress: Yes, our target audience will live in these condos here. Fester: What a pleasure it will be for them to say they live at
Field, watching the Certified Money Managers play, while they also indulge
their interests in shopping, dancing, eating and travel. It's how they
imagine themselves and we're trying to make it happen in an environment
that's fun and functional and also nostalgic. (sfx: jet flyover) Brick: And so if Park is any indication, the worlds of sports, travel, shopping, work and home are all collapsing in on each other, leading us in the direction of one enormous, but intimate building where you go to do everything. (sfx: blueprint unrolling) Buttress: Did you see the hospital, clinic and mortuary? Brick: Where does the game happen? Buttress: The baseball game? That would be um Fester: The green area, here? Buttress: That's the golf course. Fester: I know I saw it. (fade) Diamond shaped, right? Buttress: It's adjacent to the wave pool. Brick: Out in the field, I'm Brick Walters.
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