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Genway Winter Tomatoes
January 30, 2003

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Dale Connelly: This section of our show is brought to you by Genway, the supermarket for genetically engineered food. If you like your food refined, try the redefined foods of Genway. And now, from the Genway food lab, here's produce manager Dr. Larry Kyle.

(sfx: bali hai)

Jim Ed Poole: Yes, now that we're almost through January, it's harvest time for our Genway Husky Tomatoes!

(sfx: bolt)

Heh heh heh heh heh.

DC: Most stores can only offer hothouse tomatoes this time of year ...

JEP: Yes ... they look good but have no flavor. We decided the answer was to create a tomato that loves the winter's cold as much as ordinary tomatoes love the summer heat. We gave them the DNA of Siberian Huskies! Our Winter Tomatoes LOVE the cold. They thrive on it!

(sfx: bolt)

And now ... they're full and ripe and strong, and it's time for the harvest so we can enjoy their robust natural flavor.

DC: What keeps them from freezing?

JEP: Fur, of course. Lots of thick, insulating fur. AND they all grow low on the plant, clustered together like a pack, conserving warmth, helping each other.

When they get in a pile like that, you can't even tell they're tomatoes. It looks like a badger has fallen asleep at the base of the plant.

(sfx: bolt)

Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh.

DC: So when you do the harvest, you get in there and unpile them?

JEP: Yes, they look like shaggy red baseballs.

DC: Well obviously then, you can't just take a bite.

JEP: Not until you have to shave them!

(sfx: bolt)

Heh heh heh ... it can be a fine family activity, sitting around the kitchen table on a cold winter's night, sharing Dad's Norelco, or that cute little razor mom uses to tame her legs, giving buzz cuts to the produce.

DC: Kind of like shucking corn.

JEP: Yes! You get a nice pile of Tomato Hair on the floor, just like in a barber shop. Have the kids collect it, and if they start working now, they'll have enough by Father's Day to give dad a Husky Tomato Toupee.

(sfx: bolt)

DC: So the special this week ... winter tomatoes that keep themselves warm by wearing a coat of fur from Siberian huskies.

JEP: Keep them refrigerated, and whatever you do, don't say "mush."

DC: Pick them up at Genway, the supermarket for genetically engineered foods. Dr. Larry Kyle, produce manager.



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