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Yes I Am Wireless - Rendezvous
March 3, 2003

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(music: theme)

Dale Connelly: This section of our show is brought to you by Yes I Am Wireless, inviting you to share the wonder.

Because everyone is turning to the freedom and flexibility of wireless communication. Get hooked on the idea of always being available, and always in touch.

(sfx: phone ring)

Jim Ed Poole: Hello? What? I'm in an Art Museum! Yes I Am!

DC: With Yes I Am Wireless, you get a crystal clear connection, even in the quietest places around. Libraries. Theaters. Concert Halls. Operating rooms. Funeral homes. Churches. And that means you can hear and be heard!

JEP: Yes! The place is lousy with art!

Yes, some of it IS lousy art.

I'm looking at an ugly green and orange splotch right now!

DC: And despite the complaining of a few elitist soreheads, other people are generally delighted when you take your personal calls in public.

JEP: Am I what? Shouting?

I think I'm talking normally! Yes I Am!

Maybe it's because you're in a Bowling Alley!

DC: Use the beauty of wireless technology to connect places that had no connection before. Like Art Galleries and Bowling Alleys!

JEP: You're what? You're going for a split? Well I'm standing here looking at a watercolor called ... "Evening: Landscape with Two Figures" by David Charles Read.

Yes I Am! It's from 1830! Isn't that wild?

Let me tell you about it while you bowl! Do you think anyone's ever done that before? (fade off) ... It has a ... very soft sort of sunset going on, the sun is behind a cloud and there's a mountain in the distance. The two figures are all the way over on the right and to the left there's this huge SHRUB or something ...

DC: With Yes I Am Wireless you can keep in close contact with those you care about ... share their lives, their joys, disappointments and triumphs. Customers say ... thanks to Yes I Am Wireless ... they feel closer at a distance than they do when they're in the same room!

JEP: (fade up) ... and it's behind a retaining wall of some sort, but probably not one of those keystone walls you see everywhere? Because this was 1830. You know what I ... you ... you what?

You picked up the split? YAH! YOU ROCK, BABY!

(sfx: crash)

Oooops. That wasn't hung up there very well.

A little too much fist pumping, I guess.

DC: Now you can stay in touch ... constantly ... with old friends and new through the miracle of wireless communication.

JEP: Hey, some of the museum guards are coming over to talk to me!

Yes, they're still using those dumb old walkie talkies!

They probably want to see my cell phone!

(music: ring and theme end)

DC: When you go wireless, it frees you up in so many ways ... anytime, anywhere, no matter who is or isn't paying attention.

Yes I am Wireless! Sign up today and begin to Share the Wonder.



Minnesota Public Radio