The Morning Show | Historic Theater Project | Red Wing | Scripts

Bluff Country

May 2, 2003

Listen (How to Listen)

Dale Connelly: The area around Red Wing is known as bluff country. This is the result of ...

Jim Ed Poole: That's not fair. I don't think they do more bluffing here than other places.

DC: They call it bluff country because of the surroundings. The terrain ...

JEP: There's nothing phony about the surroundings. You should apologize!

DC: I'm talking about actual bluffs! A high steep bank. A cliff with a broad face.

JEP: There's nothing like that around here. It's flat as a pool table.

DC: OK, now you ARE bluffing. Bluffing about the bluffs.

JEP: Why would I do that? That makes no sense.

DC: The name "bluff country" is from the river bluffs and the rolling, wooded geography of the area. Red Wing is dominated by Barn Bluff, which rises ...

JEP: Actually, I WAS bluffing. But did you know Barn Bluff is the most massive bit of urban bluffage in any city in the world, larger than Diamond Head in Honolulu and Sugar Loaf in Rio Di Janeiro.

DC: No it's not.

JEP: Everyone says so.

DC: No one says that.

JEP: Abraham Lincoln said it when he was the postmaster here. (pause) What?

DC: We're happy to be in Red Wing, and we invite you to stop by the theater ...

JEP: Totally live and completely real. We wouldn't kid!

DC: Coming to you this morning from Bluff Country.


Minnesota Public Radio