The Morning Show | Historic Theater Project | Red Wing | Scripts

Sherpa - Red Wing

May 2, 2003

Listen (How to Listen)

Dale Connelly: This section of our show is brought to you by the Sherpa sport utility vehicle from Intimida. It's a mighty Big Car!

(music: theme) (1 cd cut 1)

And a mighty big car is a mighty big help when you live in a river town! Because nature is powerful and close ... and unpredictable!

Jim Ed Poole: I commute from rural Wisconsin. It takes about four minutes. But if there's a fender bender on the bridge ... traffic gets backed up. Luckily, my Sherpa has the Captain Ahab Weekend Whaler Package. It's watertight! So I pop it into four wheel and head straight across!

(sfx: peel out) (voc)

DC: The Sherpa rides high and dry while fording the powerfully rushing water of the mighty Mississippi. But wait!

Halfway across, a tugboat pushing 15 barges appears out of nowhere!

(sfx: tires squeal and zoom) (voc)

You swerve quickly out of the way, but the near collision has forced the tug from its channel ... and the barges are drifting dangerously close to the bridge supports! It seems like no one can do anything to avert a catastrophe! But wait!

(sfx: screech to halt and back up) (voc)

You back up and take aim with your roof mounted harpoon!

(sfx: launch harpoon ... rope unraveling ... ka-chunk of impact) (voc)

JEP: Ha! Got it!

(sfx: engine straining) (voc)

DC: Your Sherpa pulls the wayward barges clear of the bridge supports and back into the river channel!

As you cut them loose, the relieved tugboat captain gives you a wave ...

JEP: Ahoy, skipper!

DC: ... and you continue into town.

But on Main Street you realize it's double senior discount day on pottery and shoes ... and the street is hopelessly blocked with tour busses!

JEP: What th ... But wait! My Sherpa has Monster Truck Overdrive!

DC: So you pop it into Monster Gear and hit the gas!

(sfx: hiss of inflating/thumping and bumping/driving over busses) (voc)

Your tires over-inflate so you and your Sherpa can bounce across the roofs of the gridlocked busses, while tourists lining the sidewalk snap your picture for their photo albums. But you're still running behind!

JEP: If I stay on the roads, I'm going to be 10 minutes late! Good thing my Sherpa has the Bluff Buster package!

DC: You pop it into climbing gear!

(sfx: engine rev, peel out) (voc)

And your Sherpa easily handles the 60 degree incline as you blaze a trail across Barn Bluff!

JEP: Yeeee-hah!

(music: Theme end w/ screech) (2 cd cut 1)

DC: As you crest the hill, glancing over your shoulder you see pandemonium in your wake and you realize that you and your Sherpa have re-defined what it means ... to commute. Through the river ... Over the woods ... To Grandma's house ... to work ... to school ... or just for fun, Find your way with a Sherpa from Intimida! It's a Mighty Big Car!


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