The Morning Show | Historic Theater Project: Send a story | Your stories

Send us a theater memory!

Share your thoughts with other Morning Show fans! If you have had a memorable experience at an historic theater in the MPR listening area, we sure would like to know about it. Something from your childhood, a life-changing film or performance, a first date, the price of popcorn way back when ...

Not sure if your theater is historic enough? The region is absolutely littered with little gems of cinema and live theater. Chances are you're not too far from one. Here are a few theaters in the region to give you an idea of what we're talking about:

Remember: We want to hear about any historic theater in Minnesota, eastern North and South Dakota, and western Wisconsin. We'll try to get your story online soon!

Read some examples of what others have had to say.

*indicates a required field

About the Theater
Name of theater*:


Tell us a personal story about your experience in an historical theater.*

About You
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(We may need to ask you about your submission.)

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You must be 13 or older to submit any information to MPR. Your submission may be edited for length, clarity, or content, and may be posted on this or other MPR Web sites or read on the air. MPR reserves the right to reuse or republish your story. Your name and location will be displayed with your submission. (Your name can be withheld by requesting so in the body of your submission.) The personally identifying information you provide will not be sold, shared, or used for other purposes, except to communicate with you about MPR programs and activities if you chose "Yes" above. See MPR Terms of Use and Privacy.




Minnesota Public Radio