The Morning Show | Live from Worthington | Scripts

"Some Enchanted Evening" Script No. 4

February 14, 2003

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Read Michele's original story

Some enchanted evening
You will see a stranger
You will see a stranger
Across a crowded room ...

Dale Connelly: Some enchanted evening ... sharing stories from our listeners of unlikely romance arising from unexpected circumstances.

This note comes from our listener Michele, who says:

Beth Gilleland: After living in MN for over a decade, I decided I needed to take the plunge and get a kayak. I did an online search, called a number listed, and was sweet-talked into coming out and at least taking a look at this gentleman's collection.

Some Enchanted Evening
You will hear him tell you
He will really tell you ...
"Come see my kyak room."

The boat was great, but also the salesman was extremely charming and assured me that he could offer the most personalized service for my purchase.

Jim Ed Poole: (suave) If you tip over, give me a call. I'll be right there.

BG: So ... I ended up buying one.

And somehow you'll know The price will include The paddle, the helmet, The boat and the dude.

Wanting to further impress me, we made a date to go sailing. The electrical wires hooked up to the trolling motor caught on fire. One moment I was thrilling to the ride across the waves, the next I was witness to great billows of black smoke pouring out from close to where I was sitting.

JEP: Not to worry! We're surrounded by water!

BG: This added drama and excitement to our union, while offering a test to gauge how well we both withstood considerable stress. And where are we now? We'll be sailing around the British Virgin Islands just in time for Valentine's Day.

Some Enchanted Evening
Somewhere on the water
Maybe in the water
A charming kyak man

Will set you on fire
Or so it will seem.
Through billows of smoke
You will troll for your dreams.

Read Michele's original story


Minnesota Public Radio