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Instrumental Women from MPR Music
F E B R U A R Y ,   2 0 0 1
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Show Playlist

Judith Lang Zaimont: Calendar Collection: The May-Fly (Leonarda 334)

Anon.: Goosey, Goosey Gander (Vox 7537)

Enrique Granados: Oriental (Well Tempered Productions 5179)

Camilla di Rossi :Symphony (Newport 60102)

George Rochberg: Capprice (Deutsche Grammophon 415 484)

Gabriel Faure: Pelleas and Melisande: Sicilienne (DG 449186)

Gwyneth Walker: Theme and Variation for Flute and Piano (Four-tay 4018)

Maria Therese Von Paradis: Sicilienne (Telarc 805502)

Gustav Mahler: Symphony No.9: Rondo (Telarc 804262)

Leonard Bernstein: Anniversary Fanfare (Koch 7012)

George Frideric Handel: Water music (Summit DCD 138)

CecileChaminade: Serenade Espagnol (RCA 60704)

Camille Saint-Saëns: Danse Macabre (Reference Recordings 82)

Manuel da Falla: Polo (RCA 60704 )

Camille Saint-Saëns: The Swan (Summit 130)

Richard Wagner: Ride of the Valkyries (Pro Arte 1211)

Kay Gardner: Rain Forest (Leonarda 327)

Robert Schumann: Five Pieces in the Folk Style (Cala 515)

Ruth Schonthal: Danza #2 (Leonarda 334)

Richard Wagner: Lohengrin (Self Produced)

Alfred Reed: Symphony for Brass (Self Produced)

Ruth Schonthal: Danza #3 Leonarda 334)

Victoria Bond: Sandburg Suite (Leonarda 334)

Amy Beach: Young Birches, Barcarolle (Arabesque 6693)

Eduardo Chavarri: El Viejo Castillo Moro (Well Tempered Productions 5179)

Judith Lang Zaimont: December: Sleighride (Leonarda 334)

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