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Music Search Music:

Odes to Joy

Not "In My Life"
Listener Submission: Most Unusual Wedding Music Story

From the Singer to Dan and Kasey, in Atonement

Noon. Car's hot inside. Got the black folder with sheet music on my lap. Got my corsage. Got 30 minutes till pre-ceremony pictures, then to the church basement to do a quick run through the music with the pianist. They've got me doing "In My Life" and some traditional tune. It's OK. They're good friends. Got my husband next to me, driving, completely tuxed and boutonniered, sweating. Got the map.

Wait. No. I didn't grab the map. I thought you grabbed the map. What do you mean we don't have the map?

Groom's brother takes a fast turn at a changing light. No other tuxed drivers in sight.

12:30. Got no map. Sweating. What's the name of the church? The church? I think it was brick? Was it brick or was it on a corner? For God's sake, we were there last night, you don't remember the name of the church?

1:00. They are half done with pictures. That's OK. It's funny! This is funny stuff. Let's stop at this gas station. We can use the phone book. To look up the church! Which church? OK, wait, we can just start calling churches. We'll call some churches.

2:00. There will be no time to rehearse. No problem. I can wing it. I'm a pro. Hi, is there a wedding happening there today? No? OK, thanks. Hi . . .

2:30. Showtime. They're getting married now, exactly right now. They're getting married to an instrumental "In My Life." Also down one groomsman.

3:30. Church parking lot. Rice. Sweating. Got directions after we called the church, the right church, after having broken into the groom's house to look for a leftover invitation. Called the church in the middle of the ceremony. A groomsman had to leave the lineup to stop the ringing. You can hear it on the video. Ten years later they still like to call and play that part on our voicemail.

Ann Rosenquist Fee
Mankato, MN

Minnesota Public Radio