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Music Search Music:

Odes to Joy

Fools Rush In
Listener Submission: Most Unusual Wedding Music Story

Five years ago when we were starting to plan our wedding; we were going through several brochures and we came upon on one for a cave in Southern Minnesota with a Crystal Wedding Chapel. We both looked at each other and said "that’s it." The plans then took on a life of their own, with my stepson stating that we were going to be like cavemen. We found a print dinosaur for our mascot, a leopard dress for my daughter, and a leopard vest for my son. My wife’s bouquet included a large bone to support the flowers.

We chose two pieces of music for the event; the first was Elvis’s "Fools Rush In" and the second was the "Young Lovers' Dance" from Polynesia by the Royal Polynesians. We are now about to celebrate our fifth anniversary but we could also call this our composite fiftieth, with my 25 the first time around, her 20 the first time around, and now our five years together.

John M. Hanninen
Maplewood, MN

Minnesota Public Radio