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Music Search Music:

Odes to Joy

The Auctioneer?
Listener Submission: Most Unusual Wedding Music Story

When a close friend was planning her wedding, she asked me to sing. I found a lovely Spanish traditional melody and crafted lyrics that would be meaningful to the couple and appropriate to the occasion. Only days before the wedding, I learned that my friend had been unable to locate an accompanist (for a New Year's Eve wedding) and that her teenage son would play the piano. We had one rehearsal in her home, which seemed promising, although he had never accompanied anyone before.

He opened the service with a lovely prelude and skillfully executed the processional. At the appointed time in the service we began my song, but my accompanist "put the pedal to the metal" and kept accelerating. I put my hand on his shoulder in hopes of signaling him to slow down, to no avail. I'm certain the wedding guests wondered why my friend had chosen a version of "The Auctioneer" as her wedding music. The bride and groom never noticed.

P.S. The marriage did not last. I hope the botched music wasn't a jinx.

Lucille Wilmot
Plymouth, MN


Minnesota Public Radio