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Music Search Music:

Odes to Joy

Bless This House
Listener Submission: Most Unusual Wedding Music Story

I once played for a wedding in which the signal for the mothers to come in was "Bless This House." I played it 12 times through, and still the mothers did not come up the aisle. Suddenly, the bride came up the winding balcony stairs, dress train and all. She asked, "Why aren't you playing the mothers' song?"

I told her I was and had played it 12 times. She returned to the entry to the church, and soon the mothers came up the aisle. The music was so well-known, but people get nervous, and forget a lot of things at weddings!

One other time. the bride stopped the soloist and said she was singing too high—would she please sing lower!

Marie Compton
Fargo, ND


Minnesota Public Radio