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Music Search Music:

Odes to Joy

An Improvised Trumpet Stop
Listener Submission: Most Unusual Wedding Music Story

My husband-to-be, our guest organist Tom (a work buddy of my husband's), and I all had choices for wedding music. Several of our favorites called for a trumpet stop. The modest pipe organ in our small, inner-city, brick Gothic church had none. However, it had a Vox Humana (Latin for "human voice), a nasal reed stop that sounded more like a sheep with a bellyache.

Norm and Tom took the cover off the set of pipes, detached the tremolo, and opened up the reeds as far as they would go. It made a respectable trumpet stop. After the wedding, Norm put the pipes back to their old conformation, but the regular organist swore it never was the same.

Helen Heitz
Minneapolis, MN

Minnesota Public Radio