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Music Search Music:

The Throne Room (from Star Wars) (1)
Listener Submission: Most Unusual Wedding Music Stories

I am a major fan of the Star Wars movies, and I used to joke around with my friends that I would never get married until I found a woman who would allow me to play some Star Wars music during our wedding ceremony.

I began dating Michelle in 1996, and about a month into our relationship, I mentioned in jest my thoughts on having Star Wars music at my wedding. Now we were by no means very serious yet, but she thought it sounded like a good idea because of the majestic scope of the John Williams soundtracks. Right then and there, I decided that this could be the real deal if she would be crazy enough to allow me this single caveat on what all men know to be "the woman's day."

In December, 1997, Michelle and I were engaged, and on October 10, 1998, we exited the church at the end of our wedding ceremony to "The Throne Room," a grand march which is heard at the end of the original Star Wars movie from 1977.

Mark Domeier
Ellendale, MN

Minnesota Public Radio