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Music Search Music:

Odes to Joy

The Throne Room (from Star Wars) (2)
Listener Submission: Most Unusual Wedding Music Story

My little brother, Russ, married the love of his life in November, 2000. He and now-wife Bethany kept the recessional music a secret. I was in the wedding, as was big brother Rick, Bethany's brothers, and some male cousins. At the end of the rehearsal, just before we were to make our exit, the secret music came up on the loudspeakers: The final march from Star Wars! (You know, where the entire gang stands on the steps receiving their glorious medals).

I should have known, since Russ had been a Star Wars fiend since he was little, not helped by older siblings buying him every toy and promotional item available. So, as we filed out, I envisioned myself as Princess Leia, and all the guys as Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, C3P0 and the rest. We wondered where we could get a Chewbacca costume for use the next day . . .

Robin Ouren
Nicollet, MN


Minnesota Public Radio