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Music Search Music:

Odes to Joy

An Unknown Melody
Listener Submission: Wedding Music You Wish You Could Have Played

When I was in (probably) sixth or seventh grade at Annunciation School in South Minneapolis, one day while walking down a school corridor I heard a wedding going on in the church that was part of the same building. The wedding had just concluded and the organ was playing the march to which the bride and groom leave the church.

The music riveted me in my tracks. I had never heard such a simple, joyous, beautiful melody. I can still hear it in my ears. It perfectly expressed the exaltation of the moment. I wanted that music for my wedding some day. I have never heard it since and I am now 70 years old. I have had a musician write it down for me as I picked it out one note at a time; I have contacted the church (many years later) sending them an audio tape of my best efforts, all to no avail.

It is still in my memory, so superior to the usual hackneyed fare by Mendelssohn and Wagner. It could be Grieg. It could be Handel. Whoever wrote it had true genius. I can whistle the tune. I cannot actually play it as I have no performing talent at all. No one seems to have ever heard it before. Perhaps if I could contact the people married in that church during school days in the Spring of the years 1940 thru 1942 they would remember. I assure you it is a real loss to the world.

Richard F. Grantges
Cohasset, MN

Minnesota Public Radio