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Music Search Music:

from The 2003 Morning Show Holiday Pageant and Variety Show

Act I


Georgia Bailey—Beth Gilleland
Clarence the Angel—Bubby Spamden (Jim Ed Poole)
Mr. Potter—Bud Buck (JEP)
Uncle Billy—Captain Billy (JEP)
Mr. Gower—Larry Kyle (JEP)
Don Reed—Tony Bennett (JEP)
Guy 2 , Neighbor, Cop—Jim Ed Poole
Gal 1, Mom, Mrs. Banks—Marcy Marxer
Gal 2, Donna—Cathy Fink
Franklin, Guy 1, Lackey, Inspector, Ted—Dale Connelly
Piano—Dan Chouinard
SFX—Alan Frecthman

(music: theme)

Guy 2: Dear Lord, It's Christmas Eve, and I'm worried about my dry cleaning. When I got my vest back, it was missing a button! I'd complain to Georgia Bailey, Lord, but ... the dry cleaners say they lost HER too! It would be great if you could find them both!

(sfx: chorus of complaining voices, fade under and out) (cd 1A1)

Franklin: It's a busy night. A lot of people worried about Georgia Bailey.

(sfx: thumbing through papers) (live)

Yes, she's hit bottom. This is her crucial night! Better send someone down but ... hmmm ... Clarence! Clarence, Clarence. Let's see ... His last assignment was ... Ugh. The Hindenburg. Still ... I don't have anyone else. It's gotta be Clarence!

(music: dramatic swell)
(sfx: footsteps come running) (live)

(sfx: crash) (cd 1A2)

Clarence: (breathless) I'm here! Where's the blimp? I'll slow 'er down!

Franklin: No blimp this time, Clarence. It's a person. She's discouraged. I want you to turn her around. Help her see the beauty in God's world.

Clarence: OK! And then I'll get my wings?

Franklin: Well ... Um ...

Clarence: ONE wing, maybe? A starter? Just a taste of winginess?

(music: ethereal ... "looking into the past")

Franklin: We'll see. First - take a good look at Georgia Bailey. There.

Clarence: She's a child! How did a child get so discouraged?

(music: segue into "bali hai")

Franklin: She's not discouraged yet. This is years ago! She's working for the local druggist, Mr. Gower. He's a little unusual. Emotional. Edgy.

Gower: (fade up) I want you to take this potion over to the Balco family. It's a cocktail of top-of-the-line name brand medications! Heh heh heh heh!

Georgia: Mrs. Balco told me once she barely had money for kitty litter.

Gower: What's that supposed to mean?

Georgia: Nothing, sir. She says she wants to shop in Canada ...

Gower: Shush!

(sfx: bolt) (cd 1A3)

I don't want to hear about that!

Georgia: ... but she DOESN'T because she has intestinal complaints and can't be in a bus for very long with other people. It's in your records!

Gower: Enough! Why are you telling me this?

Georgia: No reason. I was just noticing the price of the ...

Gower: Get out of here! Make the delivery! Go!

(sfx: bolt) (cd 1A4)

(music: segue to "active" music - she is running)

(sfx: shop door w/ bell open and close) (cd 1A5)

Georgia: (gasping) Mama!

Mom: Georgia Bailey ... my word! You're out of breath!

(music: out)

Georgia: I ran ... to tell you ... Mr. Gower ... prescription ... all wrong ... not generic ... doesn't know ... Mrs. Balco ... other people on the bus ..

Mom: Give yourself a moment, child.

(sfx: shop door w/ bell open) (cd 1A6)

Potter: (off mic) Mrs. Bailey! I'm waiting for my refund! I want it now!

Mom: Yes Mr. Potter! Just a moment, please. Georgia, wait here.

Georgia: (still breathless) ... but ... very important ... can't wait ...

Potter: (fade up fast) Look at this soup stain! I almost wore this! What a sloppy business! I should never have invested in this 'dry' cleaning.

Mom: (panicky) We're so grateful for your support, Mr. Potter! I'll get the stain out of your shirt as soon as possible. No charge!

Potter: Why do I bring my clothes here, when I can have new ones?

Mom: (under breath) Because you always bully us into doing it for free.

Potter: What's that, Mrs. Bailey? You realize I'm an important man!

Mom: Yes, Mr. Potter, but ...

Georgia: (fade on) You big ... lunkhead! Don't talk to my mom that way!

Mom: Georgia, please! I'm sorry. My Georgia is an emotional girl.

Potter: She's got no manners!

Georgia: You're a sour old saggy pants doo doo head!

Mom: Georgia, please, GO.

Georgia: But mother, the problem ...

Mom: I don't have time for it. Just GO.

(sfx: shop door open) (cd 1A7)

(music: Bali Hai)

Gower: (off mic, on phone) I have no idea what happened to the prescription, Mrs. Balco. (notices Georgia) I'll get to the bottom of it.

(sfx: phone hangs up) (live)

(angry) Georgia Bailey! What did you do with that prescription!

(sfx: bolt) (cd 1A8)

Georgia: (teary) Don't be mad, Mr. Gower. You didn't mean it! Ow! Don't grab me by my ear! Ow! You're going to stretch it! Ow!

Gower: In movies, old people grab young people by their ears!

Georgia: But ... Mr. Gower, you've made a terrible mistake. Look at the price on the bottle! You didn't use any generic drugs! How could anyone pay that? See the zeroes?

Gower: (shock, surprise) Oh! Oh, no! No, no, no!

(sfx: bolt) (cd 1A9)

Georgia: (weepy) It's OK. You didn't know it was wrong. You're passing on the costs of the drug companies is all ...

Gower: I don't care about that! I'm looking at your ear!

Georgia: It's just a little sore.

Gower: It's flopping over like a puppy's.

Georgia: It's OK, Mr. Gower. I like puppies.

(music: segue to bridge)

Clarence: And I like this Georgia Bailey.

Franklin: That ear will always give her trouble. But it won't dampen her spirit. She's got big ideas!.

Clarence: Where are we now? Is that Georgia? at the soda fountain?

Franklin: With a boy! A very, very important boy ....

(music: bridge out)

Don: Gee, Georgia Bailey, you're swell. I want to spend my life with you!

Georgia: Don, we're ten years old!

Don: I'm thinking about the future! Won't you ever marry me?

Georgia: No, I never will. I'm going to the college of my choice, I'll see the world, move to the city and be a nameless cog in the industrial machine.

Don: Stay here. Be a nameless cog where everybody knows you!

Georgia: I can't. It's a big world, and I want to see it all!

Don: Well, then. I saved my allowance and bought you something.

(sfx: paper tearing) (live)

It's a thingy to keep burglars from stealing your car. When you have a car. City people put it on the steering wheel. It's called The Club.

Georgia: Well, that's very sweet.

Don: Here's a can of mace, too. For squirtin' them in the eyes when they come at you!

Georgia: I ... I don't know what to say!

Don: Say you'll forget your crazy plan to go away! (whispered) Because I love you, Georgia Bailey!

Georgia: Why are you whispering into my floppy ear?

Don: Cause it's cute, like a puppies'. (whisper) And so are you.

Georgia: What? Stop whispering! What did you say?

Don: Nothing. I said ... you're late for dinner.

Georgia: (gasp) Gotta go, Donnie! I shoulda been home ten minutes ago!

(sfx: footsteps quickly off) (live)

(fade) Thanks for the Club! I'll use it when I get to the city!

(music: theme)

Clarence: She's not going to go see the world, is she?

Franklin: No, she's not. I've got other plans for Georgia Bailey.

(music: theme end)

Act II | Act III | Act IV

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