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Music Search Music:

Odes to Joy

What a Wonderful World
Listener Submission: Most Appropriate Reception Music Story

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My father passed away from cancer when I was 14; at that age I was sad that my dad would see me get graduate from high school, college, get married and have children. On the morning of his death I decided, that my Uncle John (my godfather) would be the one I would ask to take the place of my father, and walk me down the aisle when I got married. Within an hour of getting engaged, I called Uncle John to ask him if he would walk me down the isle. Of course, he agreed.

I found a fitting song for my "father/daughter" dance. I selected "What a Wonderful World" by Louis Armstrong. It was and is fitting for our relationship; I have always known that my Uncle John would be there for me. Uncle John has made my world wonderful, from his gentle kindness and unconditional love. That is my most special song for the wedding reception.

Wendy Boyer
Little Canada, MN

Minnesota Public Radio