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Morning Show Live Evening Concert
May 31, 2002

Folk artists Harvey Reid and Joyce Andersen, and Lou and Peter Berryman performed as musical pairs during The Morning Show's first evening concert on May 31, 2002, at the Fitzgerald Theater in St. Paul. Between sets, hosts Dale Connelly and Jim Ed Poole rounded out the concert Morning Show style with the humorous skits and witty repartee they're known for.

RealAudio (See How to Listen)
Listen to the whole show (Hour 1 | Hour 2) or play individual show segments as listed below.

• Introduction Script
• Harvey Reid and Joyce Andersen Set 1
• Star Wars Script
• Peter and Lou Berryman
Set 1
• Intermission Etiquette Script
• Intermission
• Mel Lightner Script
• Harvey Reid and Joyce Andersen Set 2
• Feisty Brinkman Script
• Peter and Lou Berryman
Set 2
• Blowtox Script
• Harvey and Joyce final number
• Peter and Lou final number



Jim Ed Poole elaborates on the invisibility of DJs, and introduces Dale Connelly.
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Lou and Peter Berryman share a clever tune.
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Joyce Andersen and Harvey Reid play a tune for fiddle and guitar.
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Jim Ed Poole & Dale Connelly discuss the perplexing numbering system for the Star Wars movies.
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Star Wars
Mel Lightner
Feisty Brinkman

Related links
Lou and Peter Berryman
Joyce Andersen
Harvey Reid
Woodpecker Records

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About Joyce Andersen and Harvey Reid

After a decade of singing and playing violin everywhere from her native New England to New York jazz clubs to the Nashville tour bus circuit, Joyce Andersen has stepped out as a singer and songwriter. This fresh new voice in acoustic music is equally at home belting out bluegrass and old-time country songs, or melting listeners with a ballad or Celtic classic. She also thrills them with her own catchy pop-rock songs.

A modern troubadour, Harvey Reid displays an array of musical marvels. Besides his prowess on the 6- and 12-string slide and National steel guitars, he is a storyteller, autoharpist, and banjo player. He applies his highly emotive voice to blues, British folk classics, Bach, and his own ballads. Reid, who has released seven albums, developed his fine stage presence during a decade on the New England folk scene and now thrills audiences across the country. The Los Angeles Weekly calls him "an incredible solo guitarist," and goes on to say, "the best part is, he's really fun."

About Lou and Peter Berryman
Called "many people's pick for the best comic songwriters in acoustic music today" by the Boston Globe, Lou and Peter Berryman blend melodic and poetic aspects of folk music, cabaret, and musical comedy. With 12-string guitar and piano accordion accompaniment, their hilarious yet profound songs about everyday situations leave audiences with fresh perspectives and cheeks that ache from laughter.

About Dale Connelly and Jim Ed Poole
Dale Connelly is the latest in a long family line of calm-voiced zombies who seem to float along with little connection to surrounding events. Dale has been with MPR since 1976, the same year that brought us Jimmy Carter as president. Carter has since moved on. Connelly remains entrenched.

Jim Ed Poole, otherwise known as "Jim Ed Poole," joined MPR in the heady days just after the invention of electricity. In the many years that have followed, he has steadfastly held to his youthful pledge to use his talents "only in the name of good."


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