Hector tells Ajax that he objects to the political hypocrisy he has been forced to commit. Ajax offers to arrange a divorce for Jason and Helen if Hector would like Helen for himself, but Hector insists he feels nothing for her. In an effort to win Hectors confidence, Helen writes him a letter detailing Ajaxs crimes and his plans for Hectors Presidency. Hector throws it away without opening it. Leo retrieves the letter and takes it to Ajax, hoping to be paid for the information. Instead, Ajax throws Leo out and, feeling betrayed, shifts his support to Hectors opponent, Larkins Brown. With Ajaxs help, the Brown campaign improves sharply.
Results coming in from the southern states

Jackson winning!

Ajax plotting to control Hector, his candidate, through Helen "It would seem... he still is interested!"
Leo gives incriminating letter to Ajax, implicating Helen. Ajax shifts support to Larkins Brown.

ACT ONE: 1- 2 - 3     testACT TWO: 1 - 2testACT THREE: 1 - 2
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