The Servant Song I supposedly wake up to The Writer's Almanac each morning, though I have to admit to snoozing through 3 out of 5 lately. I was surprised and delighted to wake one day recently to "The Servant Song" as part of The Morning Show. As a singer, it's been one of my top ten best and most favorite hymns to sing, especially for weddings. With a bad marriage behind me, the words have deep meaning for me. If we really had the courage to act as servant to the other and ask for grace to receive the goodness of the other, how blessed any relationship would bewith spouses, friends, lovers, family members. It's an ideal I wondered if I would ever find. Through the wonders of technology (yes, an Internet personals site), I met and married such a person to continue life's journey with. At our wedding just a year ago, my sweet daughter Claire sang "The Servant Song" for usit couldn't have been a happier day. Mary Beth Marier |
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